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 Sheikh Kamal

Sheikh Kamal is a Representation of the nation's unbreakable spirit in Bangladeshi history. Sheikh Kamal, who was Endowed with a vision and a mission, had been working to Develop the youth of the nation into a future force so that they might guide the country toward the Objective Established by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. He was born in 1949 on August 5 in Tungipara. After clearing the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination, Kamal received his Diplomas from Dhaka's Shaheen School in 1967 and Dhaka College in 1969. He earned a Master's in Sociology with Honors from Dhaka University. Along with his academic work, he also pursued his interests in sports and the arts. He was the founder and president of the country's leading sporting club, Abahani Krira Chakra, and founder member of Dhaka Theatre. Following independence, Kamal brought modern football to Bangladesh. Sheikh Kamal founded the Bangladesh Chatra League in 1960. It was the Bangladesh Awami League's student section. During the Bangladesh Liberation War, Kamal served as the ADC for General Osmani, the top Commander of the Bangladeshi armed forces. Regardless of caste, creed, or political Affiliation, Sheikh Kamal continues to be an inspiration for the nation's young leaders. He represents Enthusiasm. No one who came into contact with him could forget him or avoid him because of his captivating charisma. Sheikh Kamal was a genuine representative of the populace. Unfortunately, his life was taken by a gang of cowardly killers just 10 days after his 26th birthday and a month after he married Sultana Kamal, a Dhaka University Blue in sports. He and his wife, as well as Bangabandhu, Bangamata, and the majority of their family members, were all murdered

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